Friday, 27 December 2019


Project Name - Community Mobilization

A free health camp was organized by Seva Kendra Calcutta’s Community Mobilization Project on 16th December 2019 at Dhapa in collaboration with Frank Ross Pharmacy.
ECG, Blood Pressure and Diabetes tests were conducted along with eye examination and general health check-up. Medicines were provided free of cost. 84 people came for this health camp.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Charcoal Demonstration at Datan Block

Project Name - NRM
A Charcoal demonstration was conducted by the NRM project of Seva Kendra Calcutta at Dantan block, in West Midnapur. ‘Charcoal’ is a lightweight black carbon and ash residue hydrocarbon produced by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substance. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis- the heating of wood and other substances in the absence of oxygen. The process of making charcoal is a recyclable preparation of cooking fuel and is a smokeless cooking procedure, which is much required in rural households, as they burn massive quantity of firewood for cooking. Also, it is an environment-friendly cooking system and is cheaper compared to other smokeless cooking options.
Preparation of charcoal

Preparation of charcoal

Process of pyrolysis- heating of wood in the absence of oxygen

Monday, 16 December 2019

SANGAM - All Faith Climate Change Conference 2019
Organized by Seve Kendra Calcutta

Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Project Name - NRM

Seva Kendra Calcutta's NRM project organized Tribal Women Empowered Through Solar Technology.
The goal of the project is to improve the energy security of about 1400 families in 16 villages in the district of West Midnapur and create new income opportunity for Adivasi women. So through Hands-on training on assembling of solar lanterns for the Producer groups, the project has developed 506 solar technicians out of it 402 are women, who have this as a full-time occupation earning Rs.5,32,600/-. The most innovative approach was to transform the mindset and livelihood of 506 tribal friends from sal leave collectors to solar technicians and trainers.
Chowlbata Practice center

Female members of the producer group attentively engaged in the assembling of the Solar lantern, in the 'Practice centers'.

Kenduboni Solar lantern Production unit- an alternate and modern way to livelihood for our tribal friends.

Thursday, 5 December 2019


Project Name - SAMBANDH

Seva Kendra Calcutta's SAMBANDH project organized a free health check-up camp. SAMBANDH is a relationship development program in association with MAERSK and implemented by Seva Kendra, Calcutta designed for truck drivers to motivate and facilitate psycho-social and behavioral changes to transform their professional and personal lives including their families.
Free General Health Check-up camp was organized with Dr. Hiranmay Bala associated with SSKM Hospital, Kolkata. The program started with a welcome speech and awareness building orientation by Dr. Hiranmay Bala on maintaining proper health and hygiene, dehydration, healthy food habits. The tests done were: Blood Pressure and a general overview of the health of the truck drivers. Free general medicines were also distributed.
Doctor checking Blood pressure at Free General Health Camp_Petrapole_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas
Doctor examining the pulse rate_Petrapole_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas

Doctor examining the truck driver_Petrapole_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas

Tuesday, 3 December 2019



World AIDS Day, designated on 1 December every year since 1988, is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died of the disease.
Seva Kendra Calcutta's SAMBANDH team like every year created awareness on HIV/AIDS through miking, distribution of male contraceptives and quiz contests on World AIDS Day. The awareness campaign took place at Petrapole (Indo –Bangladesh Border Area), Bongaon North 24 Parganas and Garden Reach Port Area, Kolkata.
Awareness building campaign on World AIDS Day_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas

Prize distribution at World AIDS Day_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas

Awareness Building Campaign on World AIDS Day_Garden Reach_Kolkata

Pledging with Red Ribbon on World AIDS Day_Bongaon_North 24 Parganas